Application Process – Flexigrant

Applicants are required to submit a proposal using Flexigrant. When the call is live you will need to set up a free account before you can submit an application: Register for your flexigrant account

Proposals must align to one or more of the SALIENT work packages:

The lead applicant, with support from their project team, must answer all mandatory questions on the application form to be considered for funding.  

Devolved Funding Application Flow Chart for Applicants
Application Form Instructions

How to complete your application form 

Once you have created your flexigrant account, and registered your email address, log back into the system and complete the ‘My EDI’ form, in the menu on the top left hand side of the screen:

Application Portal Menu
Flexigrant Application Portal Menu

Once you have completed your EDI form, click the application portal menu link ‘available grants’

Select the grant “SALIENT Devolved Funding Call 1”

Start the application process – to revisit your application at any time, after you log into the system, click the application portal menu link “My applications”.

Adding additional participants to assist with completing your application

Once in the application from, on the ‘Participants‘ tab you may invite collaborators to support your application. Once invited, collaborators can access your application from flexigrant under “My applications“. 

You may also invite someone to the role of Finance/Contract Officer/Research Support officer/Project Support Officer/Researcher if you need assistance with the completion of your application, e.g. completing the budget table. Please be aware that this designated person will have the ability to edit the costs page of the form. 

The participant will be required to access the system and review the application to enable you to submit.  

Please refer to the Scheme Guidance notes at the top of each page for further information. You can also find detailed guidance on how to apply on our website:

* Questions marked with an asterisk* are mandatory and must be answered.  

The maximum amount you can apply for in call 1 is £100K.

Applicants will be required to upload CVs for the PI and CoIs named on the project.

Applicants will be required to upload a fEC (full economic costing) document as part of the application process

Application Submission 

Please note in the application portal, You can toggle between My EDI and My application anytime. You’ll need to complete the EDI form (all questions are voluntary) before you can see “submit application”. Once you have completed all the mandatory application questions, and the EDI form, the ‘Submit Application‘ button will appear at the top right of the page. 

Duration of Awards 

Projects can run between 6-9mths.  There will be a fixed start date (e.g. 2 June 2025 for Call 1) and this information will be released as part of each call. Projects will need to have an award letter in place before the agreed start date of the project. The terms and conditions will form part of the application process.

Assessment / Peer Review 

Applications will be anonymised and assessed by a group of independent peer reviewers, and final review and decision making will be completed by the SALIENT Operations Board. 

Monitoring and Reporting 

Applicants will be asked to evidence progression throughout the project, and at the end of the project.  This will include progression in relation to milestones and financial reporting.

Data gathered through the applications and assessment process for devolved funding calls will be shared with UKRI.  

Applicants will be asked to provide details of project activity and any outputs which will feed into the Hub’s Researchfish submission.