Leadership and Governance

Led by Richard KirkhamConstance SmithMaya Vachkova

This work package focuses on fostering effective leadership and governance to build a secure and resilient society. It aims to integrate citizen engagement and interdisciplinary approaches to inform policy and practice.

Aims and Objectives:

  • Strategic Oversight: Develop a governance strategy that includes citizen feedback loops and representation on the strategic oversight board.
  • Civic Engagement: Explore civic university principles to facilitate participation and feedback from civic panels.
  • Policy Integration: Ensure research outputs are useful for policymakers at various levels, from national government departments to local authorities.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Bring together experts from diverse fields to address complex issues related to risk and resilience.
  • Human-Centred Systems: Adopt a human-centred systems approach, placing citizens at the core of research and governance strategies.

This initiative seeks to create a robust framework for leadership and governance that enhances public trust and supports resilient and secure communities.

SALIENT Strategic Oversight Board

The Board’s role is to steer, guide, challenge and assure proposals against the aim and objectives of SALIENT.

The Board comprises the Chair, and representatives from Government, Academia, industry, citizens and UKRI AHRC, as the sixteen standing members. Other people may attend as the agenda topics and discussions dictate. The Chair will be on a rotating 12 monthly basis. Membership will be evaluated every 12 months.  

SALIENT Strategic Oversight Board Members

Read more about the SALIENT board Members

SALIENT Operations Board

The Operations Board (OB) will be responsible for all operational and project management matters, including progress monitoring and devolved funding (DF) programme grant management.   Devolved Funding decisions will be made by the OB using evidence gathered from peer-review. UKRI will be invited to all meetings where investment decisions are to be made.  The Operations board will also manage the crosscutting activities.   

The Board comprises of the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project who will CHAIR, all Co-Investigators (CoIs) and two representatives from the Health and Safety Executive (Science Division) and the Chief Scientific Adviser’s office. The Hub manager, programme manager, project officer and Hub administrator will also attend the meetings. 

Operations Board Members